Diving the way it should be ......... FUN

Mission Statment

Here at Sussex Diving & Leisure our aim is simple - to provide quality PADI diver training in small well supported groups.
We don't want you to feel intimidated or pressured to do anything we simply want you to become the safest and best Scuba Diver you possibly can, that's why our award winning team of diving professionals will work closely with you throughout your diver training.

We are a small family run PADI Recreational Facility based in Selsey, West Sussex and have been teaching students for the last 8 years. We decided very early on not to have a High Street retail presences but instead to concentrate quality PADI diver training instead, although we don't have a shop we do have trade accounts with some of the industries best recognised diving brands and hold a small stock of the everyday scuba accessories you may need.

With over 20 years experience in the diving industry we are always happy to discuss your equipment needs and make recommendations about the best scuba equipment and where to buy it……….. At SDL advice is FREE

Try Scuba Diving

Always wanted to try scuba diving but not sure if it is for you?

Not a problem, that's what the PADI Discover Scuba Diving Experience is all about, in the comfort of one of our heated pools we we will introduce you to the equipment you will be using then supported by one of our experienced diving instructors we will introduce you to the wonders of Scuba Diving.

If you don't like it then that's fine all you have lost is 45 minutes of your day, however if like most people you come out wondering why you didn't try it earlier, we will be on hand to discuss the next step.

What's more if you decide to book onto the
PADI Open Water Course within 28 days of your experience we will give you a £25 discount.

Our most popular scuba Diving pages.

PADI Diver Training

Shop for Equipment

Dive Club & Diving Trips

Course of the Month

Each month we will be featuring one of our PADI Scuba Diving Courses at a discounted rate.
This could be anything from a buy 4 get one free on Discover Scuba Diving experience at one of our pools in Sussex to a discounted Open Water Course.
Check Back regally to see our updated scuba diving offers.

Course of the Month January - Enriched Air (Nitrox) Dry Course.

Saturday 08/01/2023 1200hrs - 1300hrs

This is one of our most popular speciality courses as it is almost a prerequisite for most liveaboard trips these days.

What is Nitrox?
Quite simply it is air with a slightly higher level of Oxygen.

Why do i need Nitrox?
Enriched Air gives you longer dive times, shorter surface intervals with slightly less fatigue.

Why is this called a dry course?
Although it is always nice to do this course at a dive site so you can directly experience diving with Nitrox, we can do the course as on-line e-Learning followed by a classroom session.


Course of the Month Febuary - PADI Re-Activate

Saturday the 11/02/23 1900hrs - 2030hrs

Saturday the 25/02/23 1900hrs - 2030hrs

This is one of our most popular speciality courses as it is almost a prerequisite for most liveaboard trips these days.

What is Nitrox?
Quite simply it is air with a slightly higher level of Oxygen.

Why do i need Nitrox?
Enriched Air gives you longer dive times, shorter surface intervals with slightly less fatigue.

Why is this called a dry course?
Although it is always nice to do this course at a dive site so you can directly experience diving with Nitrox, we can do the course as on-line e-Learning followed by a classroom sessio


PADI Recreational Facility

Address (Office Only):
51 Wellington Gardens, Selsey, PO20 0RF

Landline:01243 202200
Mobile: 07534 911228


SDL Shop

Book your Course at our on-line Shop